12-Month Lobbying Summary - Consultant Lobbyist
Canada Fortescue Future Industries Ltd. / Matt Williamson, Consultant Lobbyist
Registration Summary
Who is lobbying?
Canada Fortescue Future Industries Ltd. (Address & business activities)
Government Funding
Did Canada Fortescue Future Industries Ltd. request or receive government funding within the last 12 months? No
Coalition Members Information
- Canada Fortescue Future Industries Ltd. is not a coalition member.
Direct Interests of the Lobbying Activity
Canada Fortescue Future Industries Ltd. has the following affiliates that could have a direct interest in the outcome of the lobbying activities:- Fortescue Future Industries (Address information)
Other Affiliates
The activities of Canada Fortescue Future Industries Ltd. are not controlled or directed by another person or organization with a direct interest in the outcome of this undertaking
Contributors with a Direct Interest in the Outcome
No person or organization contributed over $1000CDN, within the preceding 12 months, toward the lobbying activity on behalf of Canada Fortescue Future Industries Ltd.:
What is being lobbied?
Details Regarding the Identified Subject Matter |
Will the consultant lobbyist be arranging meetings between a public office holder and the client for the purpose of attempting to influence any of the matters listed: | Yes | ||||||
Gifts or Benefits Provided to Public Officer Holders
Lobbyists are required to provide information regarding gifts or benefits provided within the last 12 months to a public office holder they have lobbied. For more information, review the Guide to Lobbyist Gifts.
Name | Gift or Benefit Description | Circumstance | Date Promised | Value Promised | Date Given | Value Given |
No Records |
Who is being lobbied?
Ministries/Provincial Entities
- Advanced Education and Skills Training
- British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority
- Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation
- Environment and Climate Change Strategy
- Jobs, Economic Development and Innovation
- Office of the Premier
- Transportation and Infrastructure
Who is the lobbyist?
Matt Williamson, Consultant Lobbyist (Business address and contact information)
- Payment to the consultant lobbyist by the client, in whole or in part, is not contingent on the outcome of this lobbying activity.
- Payment to the consultant lobbyist by the client, in whole or in part, is not contingent on the success in arranging a meeting with public office holders on behalf of the client.
Who has provided contributions?
Consultant has lobbied, or plans to lobby a member of the Legislative Assembly, including a Minister or Premier, on behalf of this client, on or after 2020-09-21: |
Contributions information is not required |
Contributions information is not required to be answered until a Lobbying Activity Report has been entered.
Lobbying Activity Reports
What lobbying activities have taken place in the last 12 months?
Date | Arranging a Meeting | Senior Public Office Holder, Position Title | Ministry/Provincial Entity | Subject Matters |
2024-05-09 | No |
View |
2024-05-01 | Yes |
View |
2023-09-13 | No |
View |
- Date Modified: