Review Registration - Organization

This version of the registration was submitted prior to the Lobbying Transparency Act coming into force on May 4, 2020. Due to different information requirements at that time, the registration is presented in the following format.

Registration ID: 263621
Submitted by lobbyist on: November 9, 2012 11:43:58 AM
Accepted by Registrar on: November 16, 2012 08:04:22 AM

Designated Filer Information

Routledge, Douglas  
#1501-700 West Pender Street  
Vancouver, BC, V6C 1G8

Organization Information

Council of Forest Industries  
Organizing and communicating BC forest products industry position on various forest policy matters. Organizing and communicating international trade issues.
#1501-700 West Pender Street  
Vancouver, BC, V6C 1G8

Relevant Affiliates

The client has no relevant affiliates.

Government or Government Agency Funding

Name of Funding provider Amount in CAD$
Forestry Innovation Investment Ltd. $375,000.00
Minister of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training $131,500.00

Other Controlling or Directing Interests

The organization has no other controlling or directing interests.

Active Registration Period

November 9, 2012  
June 11, 2013  

Organization's In-House Lobbyists


Name: Allan, John
November 9, 2012  
Inactivation Date: April 1, 2013

BC Public Office Background

Public Office Title Description of Role From To
Deputy Minister Deputy Minister for Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources to 1993, Deputy Minister for Environmental Assessment Office and Land Use Coordination Office, Premier's Office, Government of BC to 1996, Deputy Minister for Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks to 1997, Deputy Minister for Ministry of Forests to 1999. 06/02/1990 05/01/1999
Assistant Deputy Minister ADM for Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources. 09/01/1988 06/01/1990

Lobbying Activities


Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

General state of forest industry, timber supply, ministry organization and Softwood Lumber Agreement discussions.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of MLA Vancouver-Point Grey February 6, 2013
Staff of MLA Vancouver-Kingsway January 3, 2013
Minister Bell, Pat Minister of Jobs, Tourism and Innovation November 9, 2012
Minister Thomson, Steve Minister of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations November 9, 2012
MLA Dix, Adrian Vancouver-Kingsway November 15, 2012
MLA Macdonald, Norm Columbia River-Revelstoke January 3, 2013
MLA Routley, Bill Cowichan Valley January 3, 2013
MLA Simpson, Bob Cariboo North November 9, 2012
Public Agency Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations November 9, 2012

International Trade

Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

BC Trade and forest industry consultations.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Public Agency Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training January 3, 2013

Labour/Labour Relations

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Mill safety issues-understanding and addressing safety issues related to sawmill explosions to prevent further incidents. Updates to Minister on WorkSafeBC investigation of sawmill explosions and follow-up industry work.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Public Agency WorkSafeBC November 9, 2012

Name: MacDonald, Archie
November 9, 2012  
Inactivation Date: July 3, 2013

BC Public Office Background

This individual has not held any public office positions in BC.

Lobbying Activities

Aboriginal Affairs

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

First Nations Consultation and Accommodation: clarify roles, responsibilities, streamline process, industry efforts, strength of claim assessments

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Public Agency Aboriginal Relations and Reconciliation February 6, 2013


Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Provincial Species at Risk (Draft 5 year plan); mountain caribou, boreal caribou-recovery strategy, mountain caribou Progress Board, review government actions of the past year and identify highlights for report; Open Burning Smoke Control Regulation-consultation on proposed changes.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Public Agency Environment November 15, 2012
Public Agency Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations November 9, 2012


Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

Northern and Southern Operational Issues; First Nations Woodland Licences; First Nations Consultation; First Nations Consultation and Accommodation; Mid-term Timber Supply Initiative;Supplemental FL; Volume to area conversions; Timber Sales; Timber Appraisal Issues; Provincial Forestry Forum (discussion of policy issues); Mountain Caribou (Progress Board to review where progress is with meeting commitments to sustaining caribou); Boreal Caribou (responding to judicial challenge by environmental groups); Natural Resource Roads Act (development/creation of Act; responsibility, liability, cost, safety and surrender aspects of permit holders and users); Professional Reliance (increase use of Professional Reliance in Natural Resource sector); Wildfire Issues; Tenures; Forest Management Planning (Ft. St. John Pilot; Innovative Forest Practice Agreements); Emergency Bark Beetle Management Areas; Resource Tenures and Stewardship - First Nations Woodland Licences; volume to area based conversion, cut control regulation supplemental licence); Forest Stewardship; Timber Pricing; increasing professional Reliance in Timber Pricing; Intensive Forest Practices Agreement (IFPAs)expire in 2015 - work on transition plan; BC Timber Sales; Timber Supply; Forest and Range Evaluation Program - Multi-Value Resource Assessment.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Minister Thomson, Steve Minister of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations November 9, 2012
Public Agency Aboriginal Relations and Reconciliation May 7, 2013
Public Agency Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations November 9, 2012


Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

Proposed amendments to Commerical Transport Regulation.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Public Agency Transportation and Infrastructure November 9, 2012

Name: Mauch, Anne
November 9, 2012  
Inactivation Date: July 3, 2013

BC Public Office Background

This individual has not held any public office positions in BC.

Lobbying Activities


Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

Bioeconomy; Landfill and Sawmill Codes of Practice;Land Based Spill Preparedness and response, Water Act Renewal, Climate Change/GHG Regulation in order to ensure forest sector issues are understood and taken into account. Ensure future GHG regulations and policy reflects forest sector priorities.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Public Agency Environment November 9, 2012
Public Agency Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations November 9, 2012


Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

Recommend a collaborative, sector-wide leadership structure to lead the development of the BC Bio-economy strategy/coordinate industry & government action on developing BC's forest bio-economy; Identify strategy key components; joint industry government working group to accelerate transformation of forest sector to new products and markets.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Minister Thomson, Steve Minister of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations November 9, 2012
Public Agency Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations November 9, 2012
Public Agency Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training November 9, 2012

Labour/Labour Relations

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

Understanding and addressing safety issues related to sawmill explosions to prevent further incidents. Labour Market Partnership Agreement for pulp and paper sector. Labour Market Partnership Agreement for solid wood sector and Solid Wood HR Strategy implementation. Application for Labour Market Partnership Agreement funding for labour market research and HR strategy development in pulp and paper sector. Appropriate and workable WorkSafeBC policy on bullying and harassment in the workplace. Participate on Advisory Panel to Board and CEO on 10 year strategy for Safety Authority to ensure forest sector issues and needs are understood in relation to the organization's mandate for safe installation and operation of technical systems and equipment.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Other Public Agency Contact BC Safety Authority May 7, 2013
Public Agency Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training November 9, 2012
Public Agency WorkSafeBC November 9, 2012

Name: Routledge, Doug
November 9, 2012  
Inactivation Date: July 3, 2013

BC Public Office Background

This individual has not held any public office positions in BC.

Lobbying Activities

Aboriginal Affairs

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

First Nations Consultation and Accommodation - clarify roles and responsibilities, streamline process, recognize industry efforts, strength of claim assessments.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Public Agency Aboriginal Relations and Reconciliation February 6, 2013


Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Species at Risk; Water Act

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Public Agency Environment November 9, 2012
Public Agency Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations November 9, 2012


Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Professional Reliance; Tenures (First Nations Woodland Licences; volume to area based conversion; cut control regulation supplemental licence); Timber Appraisal Issues; Provincial Forestry Forum; Timber Pricing Issues; Timber Supply; Natural Resource Roads Act; First Nations Consultation; First Nations Consultation and AccommodationMPB; Wildfire Changes; BC Timber Sales; Forest Stewardship; Intensive Forest Proactices Agreement (IFPAs) expire in 2015 - work on transition plan.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Public Agency Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations November 9, 2012