12-Month Lobbying Activity Search Results
Search Criteria
- Lobbyist or senior officer last name: ELLIS AND;
- Lobbyist or senior officer first name: SCOTT
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Activity Status
Activity Type
Associated Subject Matters of the Lobbying Activity
2Economic Development and Trade
2Small Business
2Sports and Recreation
2Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation
2Member(s) of the BC Legislative Assembly
2Tourism, Arts, Culture and Sport
2Water, Land and Resource Stewardship
2Minister of State for Local Governments and Rural Communities
2Office of the Premier
1Environment and Climate Change Strategy
1Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation
1Environment and Parks
1Transportation and Infrastructure
2Destination BC Corp
2Environment and Climate Change Strategy
2Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation
2Member(s) of the BC Legislative Assembly
2Parliamentary Secretary for Environment
2Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation
2Tourism, Arts, Culture and Sport
2Jobs, Economic Development and Innovation
2Water, Land and Resource Stewardship
2Parliamentary Secretary for Forests
2Parliamentary Secretary for Tourism and Premier’s Special Advisor on Youth
2Energy and Climate Solutions
2Environment and Parks
2Office of the Premier
2Public Safety and Solicitor General
1Municipal Affairs
1Parliamentary Secretary for Fisheries and Aquaculture
1Parliamentary Secretary for Rural Development
1Agriculture and Food
1Mining and Critical Minerals
1Minister of State for Local Governments and Rural Communities
1Children and Family Development
1Citizens' Services
Search Results for the Last 12 Months
Results: 1-2 of 2
Guide Outfitters Association of British Columbia
Adventure Tourism Coalition of BC
If you would like your search results to include registrations and Lobbying Activity Reports prior to the last 12 months, use the Advanced Registry Search
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