Lobbying Activity Report


Designated Filer name: Phil Johnson
Client: Kelvin Emtech Inc.
Associated registration: 1593-3500-1
Lobbying Activity date: 2020-08-12
Arranged a meeting: No
Posted date: 2020-09-15

Senior Public Office Holders who were lobbied in this activity: Andrew Cuddy, Ministerial Assistant
Office of Minister of Energy, Mines, and Petroleum Resources, Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources

Danielle Monroe, Ministerial Assistant
Office of Minister of Jobs, Economics Development and Competitiveness, Jobs, Economic Development and Competitiveness
Subject Matter of the Lobbying Activity
Specific Topics of Lobbying Communications Intended Outcomes Associated Subject Matters
Program and policy recommendations regarding the attraction of data and block-chain processing centers to British Columbia. Recommendations will focus on the competitiveness of power prices, and other business input costs.
  • Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy, directive or guideline of the government of British Columbia or a Provincial entity
Economic Development and Trade, Energy, Information Technology

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