Lobbying Activity Report


Organization: BC Teachers' Federation
Associated registration: 6898-586-59
Lobbying Activity date: 2023-05-15
Arranged a meeting: No
Posted date: 2023-06-15

In-house lobbyists who participated in the lobbying activity: Carole Gordon Footnote1
Grahame Rainey Footnote1
Clint Johnston Footnote1
Robin Tosczak Footnote1
Senior Public Office Holders who were lobbied in this activity: Angie Calleberg, Executive Director, Curriculum and Assessment Victoria
Education and Child Care

Lucas Corwin, Executive Director
Governance, Legislation and Workforce Branch, Education and Child Care

Eleanor Liddy, Assistant Deputy Minister, Services and Technology
Education and Child Care

Cloe Nicholls, Executive Director, Learning Division
Deputy Minister's Office, Education and Child Care

Melanie Stewart, Assistant Deputy Minister, Learning and Education Programs Division
Education Programs Division, Education and Child Care

Jen Wray, Executive Director
Student Information, Data & Education Network Services, Education and Child Care
Subject Matter of the Lobbying Activity
Specific Topics of Lobbying Communications Intended Outcomes Associated Subject Matters
K-12 reporting order and ongoing concerns involving FSAs.
  • Development of any legislative proposal by the government of British Columbia, a Provincial entity or a member of the Legislative Assembly
  • Introduction, amendment, passage or defeat of any Bill or resolution in or before the Legislative Assembly
  • Development or enactment of any regulation, including the enactment of a regulation for the purposes of amending or repealing a regulation
  • Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy, directive or guideline of the government of British Columbia or a Provincial entity
Recruitment and retention issues and the need for ongoing funding for recruitment and retention issues, including addressing the backlog of teacher certification applications as the Teacher Regulation Branch and the expansion of post-secondary teacher education training spaces and tuition subsidies for teacher candidates. Need for data collection, teacher education and the impact of "failures to fill."
  • Development of any legislative proposal by the government of British Columbia, a Provincial entity or a member of the Legislative Assembly
  • Introduction, amendment, passage or defeat of any Bill or resolution in or before the Legislative Assembly
  • Development or enactment of any regulation, including the enactment of a regulation for the purposes of amending or repealing a regulation
  • Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy, directive or guideline of the government of British Columbia or a Provincial entity
Colleges & Universities, Education
Lobbying Activity Report amended on: 2023-06-15 previous entry: 586-27072
Reason for amendment: Included one additional subject matter.
Senior officer who filed this Lobbying Activity Report: Amber Mitchell
The above name is that of the most senior paid officer who is responsible for filing a Lobbying Activity Report for the organization (the Designated Filer), whether that person participated in this lobbying activity or not.
  1. Footnote1  Indicates new information that was added through a Lobbying Activity Report.

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