Lobbying Activity Report


Designated Filer name: William Norman
Client: Protonify Corporation
Associated registration: 7494-3900-1
Lobbying Activity date: 2021-02-24
Arranged a meeting: No
Posted date: 2021-02-24

Senior Public Office Holders who were lobbied in this activity: Andrew Barrett, Executive Assistant to the Minister
Mental Health and Addictions

Krystal Thomson, Ministerial Advisor
Mental Health and Addictions
Subject Matter of the Lobbying Activity
Specific Topics of Lobbying Communications Intended Outcomes Associated Subject Matters
Seeking political support from BC officials for client's local activities and efforts to develop a cannabis biomass recycling facility that could convert biomass into THCa which could be used for a variety of potential medicinal purposes - approval process is federal but want to ensure local BC officials are aware of potential positive outcomes of the project.
  • Development or enactment of any regulation, including the enactment of a regulation for the purposes of amending or repealing a regulation
Cannabis, Economic Development and Trade, Mental Health and Addictions, Regional Development

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