Fidelity Investments Canada ULC
Details Regarding the Identified Subject Matter
Specific Topics of Lobbying Communications
Intended Outcomes
Associated Subject Matters
Advocate for government to make amendments to the Electronic Transactions Act and securities regulation to allow for a digital first, paper second model that would bring mutual funds in line with other financial services with respect to digitalization.
Development or enactment of any regulation, including the enactment of a regulation for the purposes of amending or repealing a regulation, Development of any legislative proposal by the government of British Columbia, a Provincial entity or a member of the Legislative Assembly
Consumer Issues, Financial Institutions
Client Focused Reforms (CFR) - National Instrument NI 31-103, Addressing Conflict of Interest
Development or enactment of any regulation, including the enactment of a regulation for the purposes of amending or repealing a regulation
Consumer Issues, Financial Institutions
Development of any legislative proposal by the government of British Columbia, a Provincial entity or a member of the Legislative Assembly
Consumer Issues, Financial Institutions