Advanced Registry Search Results

Search Criteria
  1. Client or organization number: 769

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Advanced Registry Search Results

Results: 1-6 of 6
  1. Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association
    Activity type: Organization
    Lobbyists: 2
    Activity date: 2024-08-21
    Posted: 2024-09-16
    Activity number: 769-37142
    Senior public office holders:
    • Shirley Bond, MLA for Prince George-Valemount | Member(s) of the BC Legislative Assembly
    Subject matters: 1
  2. Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association
    Activity type: Organization
    Lobbyists: 2
    Activity date: 2024-06-25
    Posted: 2024-07-15
    Activity number: 769-36196
    Senior public office holders:
    • John Rustad, MLA for Nechako Lakes | Member(s) of the BC Legislative Assembly
    Subject matters: 1
  3. Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association
    Activity type: Organization
    Lobbyists: 2
    Activity date: 2023-09-28
    Posted: 2023-10-02
    Activity number: 769-28991
    Senior public office holders:
    • Don Bain, Deputy Chief of Staff | Office of the Premier
    • Aileen Machell, Deputy Chief of Staff | Office of the Premier
    Subject matters: 2
  4. Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association
    Activity type: Organization
    Lobbyists: 2
    Activity date: 2021-12-08
    Posted: 2022-01-05
    Activity number: 769-15392
    Senior public office holders:
    • Liam Lawson, Senior Ministerial Advisor, Office of the Minister | Finance
    Subject matters: 2
  5. Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association
    Activity type: Organization
    Lobbyists: 1
    Activity date: 2021-06-15
    Posted: 2021-07-12
    Activity number: 769-10744
    Senior public office holders:
    • Alex MacDonald, Senior Ministerial Advisor, Office of the Minister | Health
    Subject matters: 2
  6. Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association
    Activity type: Organization
    Lobbyists: 1
    Activity date: 2021-04-19
    Posted: 2021-05-11
    Activity number: 769-8822
    Senior public office holders:
    • Eric Peters, Ministerial Assistant, Office of the Minister | Finance
    Subject matters: 1

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