Reports of non-compliance

The Registrar of Lobbyists has the legal authority to investigate individuals and organizations in BC who meet certain criteria to ensure they properly register their lobbying activities in the online public registry. 


Reconsideration Report
Report Date Organization / Filer Lobbyist / Client Summary
DD 24-02 Jun 27, 2024 AbCellera Biologics Inc./Carl Hansen   The designated filer failed to submit AbCellera Biologics Inc.’s (ABI) Registration Return within 10 days of the date the organization first has an in-house lobbyist, contrary to section 3(3) of the Lobbyists Transparency Act (LTA). The designated filer was issued an administrative penalty of $3,500 for the contravention.
DD 24-01 Feb 14, 2024 Canadian Union of Public Employees - British Columbia Division/Karen Ranalletta   Canadian Union of Public Employees – British Columbia Division (CUPE BC) gave a gift to public office holders (POHs) attending the 2022 BC Annual Convention Welcome Reception. Gifts are prohibited under section 2.4(1) of the Lobbyists Transparency Act (LTA), unless the exception under s. 2.4(2) of the LTA applies. A compliance investigation was opened to determine if CUPE BC was in contravention of s. 2.4(1) of the LTA. The outcome of the investigation concluded the gift was not prohibited, since CUPE BC’s gift was excepted under s. 2.4(2) of LTA.
Reconsideration Report
DD 23-07
Nov 15, 2023 Uber Canada Inc./Brian Kuntz   The designated filer contravened ss. 4(1)(f), 4(1)(g), 4.1, and 5(1) of the Lobbyists Transparency Act (LTA). The designated filer failed to list the name and address of its affiliates contrary to ss. 4(1)(f) and 4(1)(g), and received an administrative penalty of $2,500 for these contraventions. The designated filer also failed to file Monthly Returns by the required dates, contravening s. 4.1, which resulted in an administrative penalty of $1,500. Finally, the designated filer entered inaccurate information into the Lobbyists Registry and certified the information was true under s. 5(1), resulting in an administrative penalty of $500. The total amount of administrative penalties is $4,500.
DD 23-06 Sep 26, 2023 Canadian Vaping Association/Samuel Tam   The designated filer of the Canadian Vaping Association (CVA) submitted a Registration Return 3 months late, contrary to section 3(3) of the Lobbyist Transparency Act (LTA). The designated filer argued he was a volunteer, so he was not required to submit a Registration Return. It was determined the designated filer is not a volunteer; therefore, he was required to submit a Registration Return for his lobbying activity. He received an administrative penalty of $650 for contravening s. 3(3) of the LTA.
DD 23-05 Sep 26, 2023   Darryl Tempest/Canadian Vaping Association A consultant lobbyist, who has an undertaking to lobby on behalf of the Canadian Vaping Association, contravened s. 3(1) of the Lobbyist Transparency Act (LTA) when he failed to submit a Registration Return within 10 days after beginning to lobby on behalf of his client. The lobbyist attended two separate meetings with public office holders (POH). He argued the meetings were exempt from the LTA under to s. 2(2)(b) of the LTA. It was found that s. 2(2)(b) of the LTA applied to the first meeting on August 12, 2020, but did not apply to second meeting on September 23, 2021. The lobbyist was not required to report the August 12, 2020 meeting. However, the lobbyist was required to submit a Registration Return for his lobbying of POHs on September 23, 2021. The Registration Return was submitted three months late. The lobbyist received an administrative penalty of $650.
DD 23-04 Sep 21, 2023 British Columbia Cattlemen's Assocation/Kevin Boon   The designated filer for the British Columbia Cattlemen’s Association (BCCA) was found to have contravened sections 3(3), 4.1 and 2.4 of the Lobbyists Transparency Act (LTA). The designated filer received an administrative penalty totalling $5,000 for the contraventions.
Reconsideration Report
DD 23-03
Sep 07, 2023 Tourism Industry Association of British Columbia/Walt Judas   The designated filer for the Tourism Industry Association of British Columbia (TIABC) promised a gift to three public office holders and subsequently gave the promised gift to one of those public office holders in contravention of section 2.4 of the Lobbyists Transparency Act (LTA). The organization was assessed an administrative penalty of $2,200 for these contraventions.
DD 23-02 Feb 08, 2023 Greater Vancouver Board of Trade/Bridgitte Anderson   The designated filer for the Greater Vancouver Board of Trade failed to submit Monthly Returns with information required under sections 4.2(2)(a) to (d) of the Lobbyists Transparency Act (LTA) (senior public office holder lobbying activity) within the legislated timeline. They were assessed an administrative penalty of $3,000 for this contravention. The designated filer submitted a Monthly Return under s. 4.1 of the LTA with information required under s. 4.2(2)(e)(i) of the LTA (changes to a Registration Return). The information they entered was inaccurate. The designated filer was assessed an administrative penalty of $1,000 for this contravention.
DD 23-01 Jan 09, 2023 Domtar Inc./Daniel Buron   The designated filer for Domtar Inc. was found to have contravened sections 3(3), 4(1)(c), 4(1)(k) and 4.1 of the Lobbyists Transparency Act (LTA). The designated filer received an administrative penalty totaling $3,150 for the contraventions.
Reconsideration Report
DD 22-01
Aug 30, 2022 Cisco Systems Canada Co./Shannon Leininger The designated filer for Cisco Systems Canada Co. (Cisco) failed to list the name and address of its parent company contrary to s. 4(1)(g) of the Lobbyists Transparency Act (LTA). The designated filer received an administrative penalty of $1500 for this contravention. It listed Ministries and Provincial entities in its registration that it did not lobby or expect to lobby contrary to s. 4(1)(k) of the LTA. The designated filer received an administrative penalty of $3000 for this contravention. The total amount of administrative penalties is $4,500.
IR 20-03 Feb 02, 2021   Adrienne S. Smith/BC Centre on Substance Use A consultant lobbyist was found to be in contravention of section 3(1) of the Lobbyists Registration Act (LRA) for failing to file a return within 10 days of entering into an undertaking to lobby on behalf of their client. An administrative penalty of $500 was imposed.
IR 20-02 Jan 19, 2021   Dave Cyr/See report for Clients A consultant lobbyist failed to declare his status as a former public office holder in 13 client registrations contrary to s. 4(1)(o) of the Lobbyist Registrations Act. The lobbyist received an administrative penalty of $3,500.
IR 20-01 Sep 24, 2020 BC Salmon Farmers Association/John Paul Fraser   The BC Salmon Farmers Association (BCSFA) employs an in-house lobbyist. The organization was found to be in contravention of section 4(1)(o) of the Lobbyists Registration Act (LRA) when the designated filer failed to declare that one of BCSFA’s in-house lobbyists was a former public office holder. An administrative penalty of $500 was imposed.
IR 19-05 Jul 10, 2019 Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers/Tim McMillan   An in-house lobbyist began lobbying for the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers (CAPP). The organization failed to update the registration to add the new in-house lobbyist within 30 days of the change contrary to s. 4(2) of the Lobbyists Registration Act (LRA). The designated filer received an administrative penalty of $1,250.
Reconsideration Report
IR 19-04
Feb 12, 2019   Dimitri Pantazopoulos/Comcast A consultant lobbyist was found to be in contravention of section 3(1) of the Lobbyists Registration Act (LRA) for failing to file a return within 10 days after entering into an undertaking to lobby on behalf of his client. This was the second occasion on which the lobbyist contravened s. 3(1) of the LRA. The lobbyist received an administrative penalty of $5,000 for this contravention.
IR 19-01 Jan 24, 2019   Utilia Amaral/Google LLC A consultant lobbyist was found to be in contravention of section 3(1) of the Lobbyists Registration Act for failing to file a return within 10 days after entering into an undertaking to lobby on behalf of her client. An administrative penalty of $700 was imposed.
IR 19-02 Jan 24, 2019   Iuliana Calin/Google LLC A consultant lobbyist was found to be in contravention of section 3(1) of the Lobbyists Registration Act for failing to file a return within 10 days after entering into an undertaking to lobby on behalf of her client. An administrative penalty of $700 was imposed.
IR 18-01 Oct 10, 2018   John Heaney/Nuuvera Corp. A consultant lobbyist was found to be in contravention of section 4(1)(o) of the Lobbyists Registration Act (LRA) for failing to declare that he was a former public office holder in his registration. An administrative penalty of $1,000 was imposed.
IR 18-06 Sep 18, 2018 Greater Victoria Chamber of Commerce/Catherine Holt   The Greater Victoria Chamber of Commerce (GVCC) employs in-house lobbyists. The organization was found to be in contravention of section 4(1)(o) of the Lobbyists Registration Act (LRA) for failing to declare that one of the in-house lobbyists was a former public office holder. An administrative penalty of $500 was imposed.
IR 18-04 May 23, 2018   Keltie Gale/Canadian Biosimilars Forum A consultant lobbyist was found to be in contravention of section 3(1) of the Lobbyist Registration Act for failing to file a return within 10 days after entering into an undertaking to lobby on behalf of her client. An administrative penalty of $500 was imposed.
IR 18-05 May 23, 2018   Ross Wallace/Canadian Biosimilars Forum A consultant lobbyist was found to be in contravention of section 3(1) of the Lobbyist Registration Act for failing to file a return within 10 days after entering into an undertaking to lobby on behalf of his client. An administrative penalty of $500 was imposed.
Reconsideration Report
IR 17-08
Feb 13, 2018   Hector Bremner/Steelhead LNG A consultant lobbyist was found to be in contravention of section 4(1)(o) of the Lobbyists Registration Act (LRA) for failing to declare that he was a former public office holder in his registration. An administrative penalty of $2,000 was imposed.
IR 17-07 Sep 13, 2017 Independent Contractors and Businesses Association of BC/Chris Gardner   The Independent Contractors and Businesses Association of BC (ICBA) had a change to the designated filer. The organization failed to update the registration to reflect the new designated filer within 30 days of the change contrary to s. 4(2) of the Lobbyists Registration Act (LRA). The designated filer received an administrative penalty of $1000.
IR 17-06 Aug 21, 2017   Lorne Valensky/British Columbia Dental Association A consultant lobbyist was found to be in contravention of section 3(1) of the Lobbyist Registration Act (LRA) for failing to file a return within 10 days after entering into an undertaking to lobby on behalf of his client. An administrative penalty of $500 was imposed.
IR 17-03 Jul 10, 2017   Robert Iasenza/Vancouver Airport Fuel Facilities Corporation An individual was in contravention of section 4.1 of the Lobbyist Registration Act (LRA). The individual was not a lobbyist as defined by the LRA. By registering, the individual submitted false information to the registry. The ORL imposed an administrative penalty of $100.
IR 17-04 Jul 10, 2017   Adrian Pollard/Vancouver Airport Fuel Facilities Corporation An individual was in contravention of section 4.1 of the Lobbyist Registration Act (LRA). The individual was not a lobbyist within the meaning of the LRA. By registering, the individual submitted false information to the registry. The ORL imposed an administrative penalty of $100.
IR 17-05 Jul 06, 2017 Gateway Casinos & Entertainment Limited/Tony Santo   Gateway Casinos & Entertainment Limited (Gateway) employs in-house lobbyists. The organization’s designated filer failed to file a return within 30 days of the end date of its previous return contrary to s. 3(3)(b) of the Lobbyists Registration Act (LRA). The designated filer was fined $1,500.
IR 17-02 Mar 22, 2017   Greg Feltmate/Hewlett Packard (Canada) Co. A consultant lobbyist was found to be in contravention of section 3(1) of the Lobbyist Registration Act for failing to file a return within 10 days after entering into an undertaking to lobby on behalf of his client. An administrative penalty of $800 was imposed.
IR 17-01 Jan 23, 2017   Michael Goehring/Catalyst Paper Corporation A consultant lobbyist was found to be in contravention of section 3(1) of the Lobbyist Registration Act (LRA) for failing to file a return within 10 days after entering into an undertaking to lobby on behalf of his client. An administrative penalty of $500 was imposed.
IR 16-09 Nov 10, 2016   Cam McAlpine/Atlantic Power Williams Lake A consultant lobbyist was found to be in contravention of section 3(1) of the Lobbyist Registration Act (LRA) for failing to file a return within 10 days after entering into an undertaking to lobby on behalf of his client. An administrative penalty of $500 was imposed.
IR 16-08 Oct 11, 2016   Kevin Brown/Atlantic Power Williams Lake A consultant lobbyist filed a return to register as a lobbyist on behalf of a client after the deadline required by the Lobbyists Registration Act. The lobbyist was found to be in contravention of section 3(1) of the LRA and an administrative penalty of $700 was imposed.
IR 16-11 Oct 11, 2016   Mark Jiles/BC Salmon Farmers Association A consultant lobbyist filed a return to register as a lobbyist on behalf of a client after the deadline required by the Lobbyists Registration Act. The lobbyist was found to be in contravention of section 3(1) of the LRA and an administrative penalty of $500 was imposed.
Reconsideration Report
IR 16-07
Jun 02, 2016   Marnie Mitchell/McKesson Canada A consultant lobbyist filed a return to register as a lobbyist on behalf of a client after the deadline required by the Lobbyists Registration Act (“LRA”). The lobbyist was found to be in contravention of section 3(1) of the LRA for failing to file a return within 10 days after entering into an undertaking. An administrative penalty of $750 was imposed.
IR 16-06 May 02, 2016   Dana Hayden/Oka Holdings A consultant lobbyist filed a return to register as a lobbyist on behalf of a client after the deadline required by the Lobbyists Registration Act. The lobbyist was found to be in contravention of section 3(1) of the LRA and an administrative penalty of $800 was imposed.
IR 16-03 Mar 30, 2016   Gordon Quaiattini/Woodside Energy Ltd. A consultant lobbyist filed a return after the deadline required by the Lobbyists Registration Act ("LRA"). The lobbyist was found to be in contravention of section 3( 1) of the LRA for failing to file a return within 1 0 days after entering into an undertaking. An administrative penalty of $500 was imposed.
IR 16-04 Mar 30, 2016   Dimitri Pantazopoulos/NBC Universal Media LLC and Comcast Corporation A consultant lobbyist filed a return after the deadline required by the Lobbyists Registration Act ("LRA"). The lobbyist was found to be in contravention of section 3(1) of the LRA for failing to file a return within 10 days after entering into an undertaking. An administrative penalty of $500 was imposed.
IR 16-05 Mar 30, 2016   Dimitri Pantazopoulos/Pacific Newspaper Group, Glacier Newspaper Group and Black Press A consultant lobbyist filed a return after the deadline required by the Lobbyists Registration Act ("LRA"). The lobbyist was found to be in contravention of section 3(1) of the LRA for failing to file a return within 10 days after entering into an undertaking. An administrative penalty of $500 was imposed.
IR 16-01 Mar 03, 2016   Hal Danchilla/Canadian Strategy Group A consultant lobbyist filed a return to register as a lobbyist on behalf of a client after the deadline required by the Lobbyists Registration Act ("LRA"). The lobbyist was found to be in contravention of section 3(1) of the LRA and an administrative penalty of $700 was imposed. The lobbyist also entered an inaccurate undertaking start date into his return, contrary to s. 4(1) of the LRA, and certified under s. 5(1) of the LRA that the information was true. An administrative penalty was not imposed for this contravention.
IR 16-02 Mar 03, 2016   Courtney Mosentine/Canadian Strategy Group A consultant lobbyist filed a return to register as a lobbyist on behalf of a client after the deadline required by the Lobbyists Registration Act ("LRA"). The lobbyist was found to be in contravention of section 3(1) of the LRA and an administrative penalty of $700 was imposed.
IR 15-13 Dec 23, 2015   Dave Kennedy/TransCanada Pipelines A consultant lobbyist filed a return to register as a lobbyist on behalf of a client after the deadline required by the Lobbyists Registration Act ("LRA"). The lobbyist was found to be in contravention of section 3(1) of the LRA and an administrative penalty of $700 was imposed. The lobbyist also entered an inaccurate undertaking start date into his return, contrary to s. 4(1) of the LRA and certified under s. 5(1) of the LRA that the information was true. An administrative penalty was not imposed for this contravention.
IR 15-12 Dec 17, 2015   Peter Walters/Oka Holdings A consultant lobbyist filed a return to register as a lobbyist on behalf of a client after the deadline required by the Lobbyists Registration Act. The lobbyist was found to be in contravention of section 3(1) of the LRA and an administrative penalty of $700 was imposed.
IR 15-10 Oct 20, 2015   Robert Lindstrom/Teal Jones Group A consultant lobbyist filed a return to register as a lobbyist on behalf of a client after the deadline required by the Lobbyists Registration Act. The lobbyist was found to be in contravention of section 3(1) of the LRA and an administrative penalty of $600 was imposed.
IR 15-11 Oct 14, 2015   Sarah Beuhler/Federation of Post-Secondary Educators of BC A consultant lobbyist entered into an undertaking to lobby on behalf of her client. The lobbyist filed her return more than 1 0 days after entering into the undertaking contrary to s. 3(1) of the Lobbyists Registration Act ("LRA"). Furthermore, the lobbyist entered inaccurate information, the undertaking start date, into her return contrary to s. 4(1 )(b)(ii) of the LRA and certified under s. 5( 1) of the LRA that the information was true. An administrative penalty of $1,700 was imposed.
IR 15-08 Oct 06, 2015   Gordon Hunter/Akamai Technologies Incorporated On January 22, 2014, a consultant lobbyist filed a return, registration ID 18815955, with the Office of the Registrar of Lobbyists ("ORL") after entering into an undertaking to lobby on behalf of his client. On January 21, 2015, the lobbyist changed the undertaking end date of the registration from January 22, 2015 to August 14, 2014. The lobbyist failed to inform the ORL of the termination of his undertaking within 30 days of its end date, contrary to s. 4(3) of the Lobbyists Registration Act ("LRA"). An administrative penalty of $500 was imposed. Statutes Considered:
IR 15-04 Oct 02, 2015   Leslie Hrushowy/Construction Labour Relations Association A consultant lobbyist filed a return to register as a lobbyist on behalf of a client after the deadline required by the Lobbyists Registration Act. The lobbyist was found to be in contravention of section 3(1) of the LRA and an administrative penalty of $750 was imposed.
Reconsideration Report
IR 15-05
Sep 24, 2015   Blair Lekstrom/City of Dawson Creek, District of Chetwynd, District of Tumbler Ridge and Village of Pouce Coupe During an environmental scan, Office of the Registrar of Lobbyists (“ORL”) staff discovered a consultant lobbyist who appeared to be lobbying but had not filed a return on the Lobbyists Registry. ORL staff contacted the lobbyist, verified his lobbying activities and discussed the requirements for registration. The consultant lobbyist filed four returns with the Lobbyists Registry. He failed to meet his obligations under s. 3(1) when he did not file his returns within 10 days of entering into undertakings to lobby on behalf of the clients. An administrative penalty of $3,000 was imposed.
Reconsideration Report
IR 15-06
Sep 24, 2015   Blair Lekstrom/Duz Cho Construction During an environmental scan, Office of the Registrar of Lobbyists (“ORL”) staff discovered a consultant lobbyist who appeared to be lobbying but had not filed a return on the Lobbyists Registry. ORL staff contacted the lobbyist, verified his lobbying activities and discussed the requirements for registration. The consultant lobbyist filed a return with the ORL on May 7, 2015. The lobbyist certified that the commencement date of his undertaking was June 17, 2013. He failed to meet his obligations under s. 3(1) when he did not file a return after entering into an undertaking to lobby on behalf of a client. An administrative penalty of $3,000 was imposed.
Reconsideration Report
IR 15-07
Sep 24, 2015   Blair Lekstrom/HD Mining International Ltd. During an environmental scan, Office of the Registrar of Lobbyists ("ORL") staff discovered a consultant lobbyist who appeared to be lobbying but had not filed a return on the Lobbyists Registry. ORL staff contacted the lobbyist, verified his lobbying activities and discussed the requirements for registration. The consultant lobbyist filed a return with the Lobbyists Registry on May 10, 2015. The lobbyist certified that the commencement date of his undertaking was June 1, 2013. He failed to meet his obligations under s. 3(1) when he did not file a return within 1 0 days of entering into an undertaking to lobby on behalf of a client. An administrative penalty of $2,000 was imposed.
IR 15-02 Aug 19, 2015   Ian Todd/Black Diamond Group Limited A consultant lobbyist filed a return to register as a lobbyist on behalf of a client after the deadline required by the Lobbyists Registration Act ("LRA"). The lobbyist was found to be in contravention of s. 3(1) of the LRA and was fined $1,200.
IR 15-03 Aug 19, 2015 British Columbia Teachers' Federation/Moira Mackenzie   The British Columbia Teachers' Federation ("BCTF") employs an in-house lobbyist. The organization's designated filer failed to file a return within 30 days of the end date of its previous return contrary to s. 3(3)(b) of the Lobbyists Registration Act ("LRA"). The designated filer was fined $1,000.
Reconsideration Report
IR 15-01
Jun 15, 2015   Brad Zubyk/Urban Impact A consultant lobbyist (the "lobbyist") filed a return with the Office of the Registrar of Lobbyists ("ORL") on August 13, 2013. The lobbyist certified that the commencement date of his undertaking was July 1, 2013. An investigation by the ORL found that the lobbyist failed to meet his obligations under s. 3( 1) of the Lobbyists Registration Act ("LRA '? when he did not file a return within 1 0 days of entering into an undertaking to lobby on behalf of a client. The lobbyist asked the Registrar of Lobbyists (the "Registrar") to reconsider the investigator's findings. Based on new evidence submitted by the lobbyist, the Registrar rescinded the investigator's findings. However, the new evidence prompted the Registrar to initiate an investigation to determine whether the lobbyist had possibly contravened s. 4(1) of the LRA. The Investigator concluded that the lobbyist had contravened s. 3(1) not s. 4(1) of the LRA. The Investigator also discovered additional evidence which showed that the lobbyist had also contravened ss. 4(1 )(b)(iii), 4(1 )(d) and 4(2)(a) of the LRA. The lobbyist was fined $3,500.
IR 14-12 Nov 03, 2014   Patrick Kinsella/Al Watt Consulting Group Inc. A consultant lobbyist filed a return with the Office of the Registrar of Lobbyists ("ORL") on October 29, 2013. The lobbyist certified that the commencement date of the undertaking was September 23, 2013. The contract indicated a start date of September 1, 2013. The return was filed in excess of 1 0 days after the lobbyist entered into an undertaking to lobby on behalf of his client, contrary to s. 3( 1) of the Lobbyists Registration Act ("LRA"). Furthermore, the lobbyist entered inaccurate information, the undertaking start date, into his return, contrary to s. 4( 1) of the LRA and certified under s. 5( 1) of the LRA that the information was true. The consultant lobbyist was fined $1,500.
IR 14-14 Oct 30, 2014   Laura Fitzgerald/Lundbeck Canada Inc. A consultant lobbyist (the lobbyist) filed a return with the Office of the Registrar of Lobbyists (ORL) on May 1, 2014. The lobbyist certified that the commencement date of her undertaking was January 1, 2014. She failed to meet her obligations under s. 3(1) when she did not file a return within 1 0 days of entering into an undertaking to lobby on behalf of a client. The lobbyist was fined $500.
IR 14-13 Sep 19, 2014   Brenda Swick/Mark Anthony Brands A consultant lobbyist, Brenda Swick, (the lobbyist) filed a return, registration ID 18815957, with the Office of the Registrar of Lobbyists (ORL) on January 22, 2014. The lobbyist entered a colleague as another consultant lobbyist engaged by her to work on the undertaking. ORL staff asked the lobbyist to clarify whether her colleague would be submitting a new registration or if this was entered in error. The lobbyist informed the ORL that her colleague was not working on the undertaking and the file was no longer active. ORL staff advised the lobbyist to remove her colleague from the return and terminate the registration. The lobbyist did not comply with s. 4(2)(a) of the Lobbyists Registration Act (LRA) when she failed to remove her colleague from the return prior to the legislated deadline. The lobbyist also failed to terminate the registration within the timelines set out in s. 4(3) of the LRA. The lobbyist was fined $700.
IR 14-11 Sep 18, 2014   Benjamin Chin/LoyaltyOne/Air Miles for Social Change A consultant lobbyist filed a registration to undertake lobbying on behalf of a client organization. Shortly after registration, the lobbyist resigned from his contract with the client organization and accepted other employment. The lobbyist did not update his registration until more than seven months after the time required by the Lobbyists Registration Act. He was found to be in contravention of s. 4(3) of the Lobbyists Registration Act and fined $500.
Reconsideration Report
IR 14-07
Jun 05, 2014   Brad Zubyk/Scientific Games Int. A consultant lobbyist filed a return with the Office of the Registrar of Lobbyists (ORL) on August 8, 2013. The lobbyist certified that the commencement date of his undertaking was June 18, 2013. He failed to meet his obligations under s. 3(1) when he did not file a return within 10 days of entering into an undertaking to lobby on behalf of a client. The consultant lobbyist was fined $600.
Reconsideration Report
IR 14-09
Jun 04, 2014   William Belsey/Gitxaala Nation A consultant lobbyist filed a registration to undertake lobbying on behalf of a client. The investigation revealed that the lobbyist failed to meet his obligations under ss. 3(1) and 4(3) of the Lobbyists Registration Act (LRA) when he did not file a return within 10 days of entering into an undertaking to lobby on behalf of his client and did not update his registration's end-date within 30 days. The lobbyist was assessed a combined administrative monetary penalty of $1,200.
Reconsideration Report
IR 14-03
Mar 14, 2014 BC Federation of Labour/James Sinclair An organization employing an in-house lobbyist was required to file a return. The organization's designated filer filed a return within the legislated time frame. There were several outdated target contacts listed in the registration. The Office of the Registrar of Lobbyists ("ORL") registry manager identified the errors, brought the errors to the designated filer's attention and asked him to correct them. The designated filer failed to make the corrections within the time lines set out in the Lobbyists Registration Act ("LRA"). When he did not make the required corrections, the organization's registration was deemed not to have been received by the Registrar. The organization's designated filer thereby failed to file a return as required by s. 3(3)(b) of the LRA within 30 days of its previous return and was fined $1,000.
Reconsideration Report
IR 14-05
Mar 14, 2014   Cynthia (Burton) Shore/MWH Business Solutions Cynthia (Burton) Shore, a consultant lobbyist, filed a return with the ORL on June 25, 2013. The lobbyist certified that the commencement date of the undertaking was May 1, 2013. The lobbyist failed to meet her obligations under s. 3(1) when she did not file a return within 10 days after entering into an undertaking to lobby on behalf of a client. The consultant lobbyist was fined $700.
Reconsideration Report
IR 14-01
Mar 14, 2014   Michael Klassen/BC Care Providers Association A consultant lobbyist filed a registration to undertake lobbying on behalf of a client organization. Three months before the end date the lobbyist specified for that undertaking, an organization hired him as an in-house lobbyist and he ceased to lobby on behalf of the client organization. The lobbyist did not update his registration until four months after the actual termination of his undertaking. He was found to be in contravention of s. 4(3) of the Lobbyists Registration Act and fined $500.
IR 14-02 Mar 14, 2014   Muneesh Sharma/BC Lung Association A consultant lobbyist filed a return to register as a lobbyist on behalf of a client two months after the deadline required by the Lobbyists Registration Act. The lobbyist was found to be in contravention of s. 3(1) of the Lobbyists Registration Act and fined $700.
IR 14-04 Mar 14, 2014   Colin Griffin/Northern Rockies Regional Municipality A consultant lobbyist filed a return to register as a lobbyist on behalf of a client one year after the deadline required by the Lobbyists Registration Act. The lobbyist was found to be in contravention of the Lobbyists Registration Act and fined $700.
IR 13-02 Jun 06, 2013 British Columbia Association of Chiefs of Police and British Columbia Association of Municipal Chiefs of Police   The Office of the Registrar of Lobbyists conducted an investigation to determine whether the British Columbia Association of Chiefs of Police and the British Columbia Association of Municipal Chiefs of Police were required to register under the LRA. The Acting Deputy Registrar found that the police associations are not required to register as lobbyists under the LRA, because their members communicate with public office holders in their official capacity as employees of a local government authority or the government of Canada and are exempt from the requirement to register.
Reconsideration Report
IR 13-01
May 02, 2013 Joe Fieder/3M Canada A consultant lobbyist filed a registration, which was allowed to lapse when it expired. Nearly six months later, the same consultant lobbyist filed a new registration, which comprised the same undertaking to lobby for the same client as the registration that had been allowed to lapse. The consultant lobbyist admits that he had lobbied during the period during which his registration had lapsed, and was found to have contravened section 4(2)(a) of the LRA. He was fined $506.
Reconsideration Report
IR 12-15
Jul 24, 2012   Jay Hill A consultant lobbyist registered an undertaking to lobby that was more than six months late. During the investigation of the late filing, the lobbyist admitted to registering an undertaking to lobby when he had not, in fact, been retained to lobby. The Deputy Registrar found the lobbyist contravened the Act by supplying inaccurate information to the Registry. The lobbyists is fined $2500.
IR 12-01 Feb 27, 2012   Michael Bailey/Alzheimer Society of BC The Lobbyist admitted to registering lobbying activity on behalf of a client that was not taking place. The Acting Deputy Registrar found the alleged contravention of supplying inaccurate information to the Registrar of Lobbyists to be substantiated and issued a monetary penalty of $25.
IR 12-02 Feb 27, 2012   Michael Bailey/Baptist Housing Ministry Society The Lobbyist admitted to registering lobbying activity on behalf of a client that was not taking place. The Acting Deputy Registrar found the alleged contravention of supplying inaccurate information to the Registrar of Lobbyists to be substantiated and issued a monetary penalty of $25.
IR 12-03 Feb 27, 2012   Michael Bailey/Schizophrenia Society The Lobbyist admitted to registering lobbying activity on behalf of a client that was not taking place. The Acting Deputy Registrar found the alleged contravention of supplying inaccurate information to the Registrar of Lobbyists to be substantiated and issued a monetary penalty of $25.
IR 12-04 Feb 27, 2012   Michael Bailey/Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters The Lobbyist admitted to registering lobbying activity on behalf of a client that was not taking place. The Acting Deputy Registrar found the alleged contravention of supplying inaccurate information to the Registrar of Lobbyists to be substantiated and issued a monetary penalty of $25.
IR 12-05 Feb 27, 2012   Michael Bailey/Craigdarroch Care Home The Lobbyist admitted to registering lobbying activity on behalf of a client that was not taking place. The Acting Deputy Registrar found the alleged contravention of supplying inaccurate information to the Registrar of Lobbyists to be substantiated and issued a monetary penalty of $25.
IR 12-06 Feb 27, 2012   MIchael Bailey/Equifax The Lobbyist was retained by Equifax as a consultant lobbyist and the information he supplied to the Registrar of Lobbyists in registering this lobbying activity was not inaccurate.
IR 12-07 Feb 27, 2012   Michael Bailey/Hollburn Properties Ltd. The Lobbyist admitted to registering lobbying activity on behalf of a client that was not taking place. The Acting Deputy Registrar found the alleged contravention of supplying inaccurate information to the Registrar of Lobbyists to be substantiated and issued a monetary penalty of $25.
IR 12-08 Feb 27, 2012   Michael Bailey/Surgical Weight Loss Centre The Lobbyist admitted to registering lobbying activity on behalf of a client that was not taking place. The Acting Deputy Registrar found the alleged contravention of supplying inaccurate information to the Registrar of Lobbyists to be substantiated and issued a monetary penalty of $25.
IR 12-09 Feb 27, 2012   Michael Bailey/BC Biomedical Laboratories Ltd. The Lobbyist admitted to terminating the registration for the lobbying activity after the 30-day requirement of s. 4(3) of the LRA. The Acting Deputy Registrar found the alleged contravention to be substantiated and issued a monetary penalty of $25.
IR 12-10 Feb 27, 2012   Michael Bailey/BC Care Providers The Lobbyist admitted to terminating the registration for the lobbying activity after the 30-day requirement of s. 4(3) of the LRA. The Acting Deputy Registrar found the alleged contravention to be substantiated and issued a monetary penalty of $25.
IR 12-11 Feb 27, 2012   Michael Bailey/Centerplate The Lobbyist admitted to terminating the registration for the lobbying activity after the 30-day requirement of s. 4(3) of the LRA. The Acting Deputy Registrar found the alleged contravention to be substantiated and issued a monetary penalty of $25.
IR 12-12 Feb 27, 2012   Michael Bailey/Gannett Fleming The Lobbyist admitted to terminating the registration for the lobbying activity after the 30-day requirement of s. 4(3) of the LRA. The Acting Deputy Registrar found the alleged contravention to be substantiated and issued a monetary penalty of $25.
IR 12-13 Feb 27, 2012   Michael Bailey/MMM Group The Lobbyist admitted to terminating the registration for the lobbying activity after the 30-day requirement of s. 4(3) of the LRA. The Acting Deputy Registrar found the alleged contravention to be substantiated and issued a monetary penalty of $25.
IR 12-14 Feb 27, 2012   Michael Bailey/Port Metro Vancouver The Lobbyist admitted to terminating the registration for the lobbying activity after the 30-day requirement of s. 4(3) of the LRA. The Acting Deputy Registrar found the alleged contravention to be substantiated and issued a monetary penalty of $25.